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Isabel Brahma Chicken


  • Isabel Brahma Chicken – Sold as Baby Chicks Only
            Minimums – Not Sexed = 3 
                                     Female = 3
                                      Male = 1    
                                Total of 3 birds to ship 
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The unusual plumage of the Isabel Brahma chicken is a stunning combination of pale golden and lavender feathering. The lovely pastel plumage on such a large and stately bird creates a truly impressive sight.

The dual-purpose Brahma has a wide body, broad head, short beak, beetle brow, and feathered legs. These are slow-growing, meaty chickens that are easy to confine, since they are too heavy to fly well.

With their large size, tightly held feathers, and small pea comb they are exceptionally winter hardy. And the hens are especially good winter layers of brown-shell eggs.

Despite their large size and the fierce appearance as a result of their beetle brow, Isabel Brahma chickens are surprisingly quiet and gentle. They get along with people, young and old, and with other chicken breeds. They neither bully the more timid breeds nor are they easily intimidated by aggressive breeds.

Even though Brahmas have appeared in the American Standard of Perfection since 1874, the Isabel variety is not yet listed. The Isabel color is also sometimes called Isabella.


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